American Council of the Blind of Oregon 66th Annual Convention – October 23-25, 2020

Visions for a Brighter Future

The Fun Squad has been busy planning our 1st virtual convention. Please join us for a weekend of virtual fun and camaraderie as the American Council of the Blind of Oregon gathers for our annual convention.

This has certainly been a challenging year for us all, and planning our virtual convention is no exception. But your convention committee (The Fun Squad) feels we have met the challenge and thanks to ACB national and their great help we are ready to offer you a multitude of exciting speakers, discussions and interactive activities (like bread making).

Thanks to the generosity of ACB National & the assistance of ACB Radio, our Saturday session including the virtual evening banquet will be carried on ACB Radio.

As soon as we receive your registration, the Fun Squad will send you your convention program – AND – and exceptional goodie bag. With the reduced cost of this year’s convention we elected to “beef up” the goodie bags.

Also, we will have 3 Raffle Baskets that will be sure to temp your wallet. You will want to save your dollars for a chance to win one of these great items.

We are please to announce our Keynote Speaker for the Saturday night banquet is the national American Council of the Blind President Dan Spoone.

How will this virtual convention work? Don’t let Zoom scare you off, it will be easy to navigate. Prior to the start of our convention we will be sending out information about the various ways you can access Zoom. This will be included with your program and goodie bag.

We look forward to you joining us virtually for a Fun weekend in October!

The Fun Squad & Carrie Muth, ACB of Oregon President