The Stylus, Third Quarter Issue Sep 2020

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News You Can Actually Use

Brought to you by

The American Council of the Blind

of Oregon (ACBO)

3rd Quarter Newsletter

The Stylus

Sep. 2020


The submission contest now has a deadline.

You will have till the end of the month of which the current issue is published, to contact me to let me know you discovered your name as the winner of this quarters contest.

As you all know by now, every Stylus issue has a contest for submitting items that will potentially go in the Stylus.

One name will be selected, and that lucky person will receive a check for $25. The winner must call or email me by the end of the month this newsletter came out to let me know they discovered their name as being the winner for this issue. Your $25 check will be released after you contact me.

Keep those submissions coming and good luck!!

Looking Forward

By Carrie Muth, President

I can hardly believe that it has been 6 months since our state began restrictions due to Covid. A huge positive that has come from this is the sense of community for ACB on the national level. The Community calls continue with several offered every day. Teresa Christian & Pat Wallace continue co-hosting our “Together Calls” on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm & Friday mornings at 10 am. I encourage you all to join in the fun.

What about our convention in October? The ACBO Board voted to hold our convention virtually during our July Board Meeting. This was not an easy decision, but the health & safety of our membership is extremely important. The dates will be October 23-25 with a similar format; Friday will be the Board meeting & fun activity, Saturday will be all day presentations & a banquet, & the membership meeting will be on Sunday. ACB National will be helping us out & streaming the Saturday activities on ACB Radio. A couple of pre-convention sessions are also being organized. A registration form will be coming soon. Look for other information throughout this issue of The Stylus.

The ACB National Convention has motivated some of our members. Sue Staley & several others have been busy forming a new chapter, the Alliance on Aging & Vision Loss (AAVL); they plan to submit everything to be voted in as an ACB or Oregon Chapter at our October Board Meeting, then continue to be affiliated with the ACB National AAVL affiliate. The 2nd group, the Mischievous Misfits, was organized by Tyanne Wilmath & Desiree Christian. The Misfits are younger members (50 & younger); they will be hosting our Friday evening fun night at the convention. Be sure to look for other information in this newsletter & watch your emails.

Take care & stay safe,

Carrie Muth

The Adventures of Little Leaf

After a gloriously green spring and a bit of a dry summer, Little Leaf is starting to notice the minute changes in the light and air signaling Fall is very soon to begin. Scampering up on to Teresa’s desk the little color changing creature reads Teresa’s screen.

“Is it already time for the September Stylus?” Little Leaf’s baritone of a voice rumbles out.

“It is.” Teresa replies. “Would you be able to contact September’s submission contest winner?” She asks Little Leaf.

“As it happens I’m headed that way, when does the winner need to contact you by in order to win the $25 prize?”

This Year’s Awesome Virtual Convention

Submitted by Teresa Christian

The ACBO state convention will be held virtually this year on Oct. 23, 24 and 25.

The schedule will be the same as usual with the board meeting being on Friday afternoon. The mischievous Misfits are hosting the Friday night entertainment, they are creative so look out for what they may have planned. The general session is Saturday morning with several interesting things planned in the afternoon.

Our keynote speaker for the banquet will be Dan Spoon who is our national president.

Saturdays doings will be livestreamed on ACB radio. Then the Sunday morning business meeting will take place.

All of this will be on Zoom. When you register, you will get the call-in info.

The registration fee is $15 this year. There are two things that are unusual and are happening because of doing the convention virtually.

For those who sign up before Oct. 5th, there will be a goodie bag mailed to you with some cool stuff in it. Plus, there is going to be a bread making class. When you sign up for that during registration, you will be given the info about how that is going to happen.

Of course there are some draw backs for not having it in person, not being able to see one another face to face is a bummer, but the up side is there will be no travel costs and no lodging expenses, woohoo.

The registration fee is less than usual, $15 instead of $50. Because of not having the expense the regular convention incurs, which is eight to ten thousand dollars, that is allowing us to spend more money on the goodie bags this time.

Anyone from anywhere is always welcome at our conventions, but since this one is going to be held virtually it makes it easy for anyone from anywhere to attend. Tell your friends and share the fun.

At the end of this Stylus, there are both the letter with more info and the registration form.

Sign up and let’s have some fun!

Little Leif

Teresa leans over, whispering into the cute round ear of the odd little creature that is the shape of a chinchilla but the scales and wings of a dragon.

“Got it.” All the colors of the rainbow eb and flow over Leaf’s body in excitement.  Leaf hops into the air a package dangling beneath him as he wings his way out of Teresa’s balcony door in what has turned into a rather blustery and dark day.

Feeling Isolated? Here’s a Solution

ACB Community Calls

As ACB’s response to the pandemic ACB Community calls were started and are happening every day of the week all day long. In the beginning of the COVID crisis, there were only a few calls available during the week, but as the months passed, the number of calls and topics have grown tremendously! There is an amazing array of topics available in these community calls. There are topics such as a variety of cooking related sessions, technology, sports, yoga and several other types of exercise sessions, Making friends and dating, one for widows and widowers, get the idea? There are tons more I couldn’t possibly get them all in here. There is even two calls each week that are sponsored by ACBO. They are the Together calls, sheltering in place together. Our very own Teresa Christian and Pat Wallace are the facilitators and would love to have more Oregonians join the call on Tuesday evenings at 7PM and Friday mornings at 10AM.

 It is a great way to learn new and interesting information as well as meet new folks and make new friends that you otherwise wouldn’t get to know.

Go to the website and check out the schedule. To ensure the integrity of the calls, link, meeting ID, and password for each meeting will not be available there.

If you would like to ensure you receive up-to-date info on all of the events, please

subscribe to the ACB Community Events email list in one of two ways:


Fill out the subscription form by visiting:


Send an email to:

You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription by replying to that email.

This is an announce only list. Each morning, an email will be sent out with that day’s schedule. they will only post additional emails if there’s time sensitive

information to convey.


For those without email, or who need to receive the phone, meeting ID, and password for a given call over the phone, please reach out to ACB at


or 612-345-9036.

There is no need to sit home alone being depressed; reach out and get on some of these calls. Find old friends, make some new ones and learn something new.

Look forward to seeing you out there.

Little Leif

Enjoying natures roller coaster, Leaf rides the gusts and puffs of today’s delightfully blustery day. As Little Leaf zigs and zags through downtown Portland, he spies Wes Brown with his phone screen nearly to his nose. Leaf hovers to a stop before Wes.

Corona Virus, Wildfires, and Earthquakes.

Oh My!

By Desiree A. Christian

Chair of the ACBO Disaster Committee

Most of us are feeling the effects of the wildfires, whether it be just hazardous smoke or a little closer to home where your friends or family have been evacuated. Many of the fires in Oregon, Washington and California are still not under control. We are also still dealing with Corona Virus. Most experts agree with all the evacuations and thousands of people in shelters, there will be a spike in Covid-19. What happens if we have the big one today? I know there are some of us who’s only option right now because of wildfire is to evacuate to the beach. What happens to all the evacuees if we have the big shake? What can all of those first responders do to help us if they are busy with Covid and the wildfires? How are you prepared for a disaster? How are you prepared for a crisis? What do you need to do to get your go-bag ready? What do you have in place for a plan? With the threat of evacuation looming for some of us in the state it has brought to the forefront where we have holes in our disaster preparedness plans. I suspect it has many of us worried. Use that worried energy to fill those holes. It will make you fill better. 😉

Double check your Go-Bag and make sure you have everything you may need.

Double check your evacuation plan and make sure that is as solid as you are able to make it.

This list may seem overwhelming so get what you can and do your best. Go over it every three months and tweak it as you see fit.

Here are some ideas for your go-bag:

The basics

• Socks and underwear

• A change of clothes if possible

• In summer sunscreen and winter gloves and a hat

• Toiletries, travel sizes work great

• Any medications you may use including prescription and non-prescription, aspirin, antiacids or allergy meds for example.

• COVID face masks

• Facial tissue

• Cell phone and charger

• If you have room and use a laptop, then your laptop and charger

• In case cell towers are down, walkyTalkies and/or radio and batteries or radio with a crank

• Food, because you need to travel as light as possible, think light and small. Freeze dried food that you can get for backpacking is ideal. Also there are places online where you can purchase food especially made for disaster situations.

• A way to cook the food, again think small and light such as a Jet Boil or other backpacking stove

• Hard candy

• If you have room, then a few snacks that you like

• Hand sanitizer

• Latex gloves

• A utility knife

• A whistle

• Small piece of rope 8-10 ft long.

• A 6×8 tarp, it folds up flat and small

• Lighter or water proof matches

• Cash such as change and small bills

• A few freezer bags and garbage bags

• A role of toilet paper

• Can opener

• Water bottle or a cup with a lid

• Water purifier system such as a filtered straw, or tablets

• Important papers such as birth certificate, passport etc.

Disability Related Necessities

• If you are a cane user, then an extra cane

• If you are a dog user, then extra dog food and a cane

• If you use hearing aids, then extra batteries or a charger

• Blind friendly first aid kit, make sure you know what’s in it and how to use it. If possible, label it in some way so you know what each item is. If there are for example several packets of ointment, put them in a snack size zip lock bag and put a Braille label inside so it won’t get wet or fall off

• Blind friendly entertainment such as Braille Playing cards or other small game or book on your phone or Victor

Evacuation Plan

• If you have a ride available to you make sure you discuss the plan with the driver. Where could you meet up if you need to leave and you aren’t in the same location.

• If possible talk to people ahead of time about staying with them if it becomes necessary.

• If you don’t have a ride available you might want to consider leaving before mandatory evacuation is required. Evacuation warnings are made with people having car access in mind. So leaving sooner would make it more likely you could find a ride in a cab or Uber or public transportation.

• Always keep extra emergency money on hand in case you need to use a cab or Uber to get out and in case you need to stay in a hotel

• Have a designated person out of the area for everyone in your pod, (your family and/or friends) to call and check in with to make sure everyone is safe and accounted for.

• Get signed up with the Emergency Alert system to get emergency alerts on your phone.

• Most of the emergency information systems are set up for sighted people so it is important to find out how to get info that is blind friendly before a disaster happens.

• Everyone should make plans now in case there is another emergency situation; consider what you would take and where you would go. To find a safe place to stay, listen to local officials for evacuation guidance, including the nearest temporary evacuation point. You can also visit

  or view open shelters through the Red Cross Emergency app. If you don’t have access to a computer or smart phone, call 211, or call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

• If you are evacuating with pets, visit

 to view their list of pet-friendly evacuation shelters and tips.

•  If you have renter’s insurance, reach out to your agent and ask if your plan covers mandatory evacuations.

• A resource that might be helpful for people with disabilities who are planning for all kinds of emergencies in the future.

It is from the library of Congress website and has a ton of resources.

• To receive text alerts regarding wildfires and other updates. You

may sign up here:

• There are a couple of accessible apps both put out by the Red Cross and can be found in the app store, Emergency and First Aid.

The best way to weather an emergency is to prepare ahead. What we just experienced with these wild fires is a wake up call to get your go-bags and evacuation plans in place.

Little Leif

“Wes. What are you up to?”

Wes looks up from his screen, blinking and squinting trying to see the weirdly cute and colorful little dragon.

“Oh, hi Little Leaf. I’m playing Pokeman-Go. I’m really excited you know. I’ve almost collected enough for this one Pokeman I want to get.” Wes proclaims enthusiastically.

“I am glad you are enjoying yourself on such a dark day.”

Wes looks around, “I guess you are right it is a dark day. I probably should go home before the rain starts. Maybe I’ll make myself some soup for dinner.”

October 15th is designated as

White Cane Safety Day.

Submitted by Darian Slayton Fleming

While driving, please watch out for pedestrians who are blind and using a white cane or guide dog. When crossing or about to cross the street, the blind pedestrian has the right of way. Even if they are not in a crosswalk, you must stop and remain stopped until they have vacated the roadway, It’s the law. Please do your part. Make every day a White Cane Safety Day!

Little Leif

As Wes heads for home, a rather large updraft sweeps Little Leaf up into the sky, than jettisons him into a whiling mass of clouds holding rain that has yet to depart for the earth.

“Ok now I’m a little worried.” Leaf thinks to himself.

Introducing The New iPhone SE

By Marty Sobo

What? A new iPhone you say! Yes! Let’s talk about it. This new iPhone is in an eight style body which means yes, There is a home button. I know that will excite a lot of you. The technology on the outside is not new; it is exactly like the Version eight. It only comes in one size that’s a regular size, no Xl. Unfortunately for those of you who like that larger size, you’re out of luck this time. For those of you who don’t mind, this is a fantastic phone. The inside is got brand new technology. he technology on the inside is the same processor as what’s in the current brand new phones, the 11. This makes the phone super snappy and fast, just as if you were using a new phone. The price is very affordable. It comes in three hard drive versions. Starting with 64 gigs out of the box at $399: upgrade for $50 to 128 gigs and then one more time to 256 gigs. It also comes in three colors: red, black and white.

For those of you who are looking to get a new phone and keep that home button, this is a fantastic option. The phone is super fast and you have excellent hard drive options for an affordable price. Unfortunately for those of you who need that large size you’re out of luck this time, but overall this is a fantastic option!

For more information contact Marty Sobo at

Little Leif

The storm whirls him about hither and yon in roughly the direction he wanted to go. Leaf spies a passing pigeon friend of his, Homer the homing pigeon has a message tied to his leg. Leaf manages to peel out of that particular air current and into Homers.

“How is the game going?” Leaf query’s Homer.

Homer replies in his stiff upper lip British accent. “Steady on as usual.” Homer pauses, a very slight look of confusion flickers through his eyes. “I say, do you know one of them posted a letter to the other? There was quite the kerfuffle let me tell you. She nearly flung her chessboard across the room. Their game of three years could have been gone in an instant.”

No Knead Sourdough Bread

a live bake-along-with-me class

By Desiree Christian

Hello Everyone! Your experimental foodie here.  I’ve spent this summer giving bread making a really good go rather than just baking a loaf of bread every once in a while. I have found an easy recipe that is no- knead, no extravagant ingredients or equipment, and very little active time. I thought it would be fun to cook live with everyone. There will be a sourdough starter class on Oct. 16th, a week prior to the bread making class at the convention on Oct. 23rd and 24th. The bread recipe will work with yeast as well. When yeast is used instead of sourdough starter the recipe creates a lovely fermented artisan bread.

To get information about class times, list of ingredients and equipment, register for ACB of Oregon’s 2020 State Convention happening October 23rd, 24th, and 25th. After you have registered keep your ears attuned to the postman for, he will be delivering your Welcome packet and zippered bag of practical and fun things. The welcome packet will contain more information for the class such as list of ingredients and equipment needed.

Join me for some yummy fun.

Little Leif

Leaf “It’s kind of romantic how they have kept this kind of communication up in our age of technology.’

Homer “Keeps my family employed, what what.”

Volunteer Needed

By Carrie Muth, ACBO President

Are you looking for a way to help out ACBO? Do you have computer skills? We are looking for a Membership Database Person

A huge thank you to Darian Slayton-Fleming for her hard work earlier this year in taking care of our database with ACB National. I appreciate all the time & energy she spent in learning the system & updating it for us. In July, she resigned from this position which opens this opportunity up for you.

For many years, Joan Hill took care of the database for Oregon. In July 2019, she provided a list of duties that I am happy to share with anyone interested.

This is a year around commitment that requires computer skills. ACB National will provide training on the database system.

If you are interested, please reach out to me at 541-269-1993 or

Together, we can grow our membership.

Little Leif

Leaf salutes as he back flips into a summersault that swirls him back into a westward moving funnel cloud the package still dangling securely beneath him. After a little bit of struggle and a fair amount of dizziness Little Leaf pops out of the storm to find himself above Wild Bill’s Condo. “Woof, woof.” Says Bruno.

“Hiya Bill.” Rumbles Leaf. “How are you enjoying Retirement?”

“Bill answers slowly s if giving himself time to think. “It’s different.  Bruno is enjoying no longer getting up at 5am in the morning. What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

100 Calorie Superfood Snacks

Made Quick and Easy

Submitted by Sue Staley

Simple Superfood Snacks to Fuel Your Body Anytime. Stay Lean with Simple Snacks Eating right can feel overwhelming especially when you want to stay on track and are unsure of the best food selections. The larger meals seem easier but what about those times when hunger kicks in and you just want a little something to satisfy for an hour or two.

Healthy foods are going to be nutrient-dense and provide satiety while fueling your body with essential vitamins, minerals and more. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics stresses the importance of eating right no matter what our age.

The following list of 100 calorie superfood snacks will take all the guess work out of what to eat, provide essential nutrients and allow you to feel good about your choices!

1. Greek Yogurt with Blueberries

Greek Yogurt and Blueberries are 95 Calories. Greek yogurt topped with blueberries makes a great lite snack coming it at about 95 calories per serving. Sarah Krieger, MPH, RDN, LDN and Eat Right Academy spokesperson says yogurt contains vital nutrients, probiotics and whey protein. She also shares a handy tip not to drain off the liquid collecting at the top of the container because that is whey protein essential for muscle building. Measure ½ cup low-fat Greek yogurt (no sugar added) and top with 1/3 cup blueberries for a satisfying snack anytime.

2. Hummus and Raw Veggies

Hummus and Raw Veggies are a Superfood Combo Meal. Crunched for time, grab some hummus and raw veggies says Eat Right Academy Spokesperson, Jim White RD, ACSM-HFS and on “Kicking Bad Eating Habits to the Curb”.

Hummus contains Omega-3 fatty acids and is linked to fat loss and weight management. Adding vegetables provides a super combo meal of essential nutrients and fiber all vital for heart health and reduced risk of disease. Stick to 100 calories by eating 2 tablespoons of hummus with 1 cup raw vegetables.

3. Hard Boiled Eggs

Eggs are a Superior Superfood Snack under 100 Calories. Hard boiled eggs are probably one of the easiest snacks to make and rich in quality protein and B vitamins. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, eggs contain essential nutrients and protein linked to lowered risk of heart disease. Coming in at about 75 calories per serving, including the yolk, eggs make a smart snack choice for a quick pick-me-up!

4. Whole Grain Toast with Almond Butter

Whole Grain Toast with Almond Butter is 100 Calories. Toss the white and go for 100% whole grain when it comes to bread choices. According to the American Society of Nutrition and “Putting the Whole Grain Puzzle Together”

it is recommended whole grains be a part of a healthy diet. Evidence supports whole grain foods significantly lowering the risk of chronic disease. Maintain a 100 calorie serving size by enjoying one slice of whole grain bread and top with ½ tablespoon almond butter. This high in fiber, rich in protein and healthy fat snack will satisfy any hunger pang!

5. Raw Nuts

Raw Nuts are a Great Superfood Snack and 75 Calories. Raw nuts are awesome, taste great, easily portable and one of the best superfood snacks out there. Nuts like pistachios and almonds just to name a few can’t get a bad rap anymore for foods making you fat. According to the National Institutes of Health, eating raw nuts supplies healthy fats and fiber linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and successful long-term weight loss. A handful of raw almonds (about 13) per serving are approximately 75 nutrient-dense calories and a perfect on-the-go superfood!

6. Whole Grain Toast with Avocado

Avocado on Toast Contains Healthy Fats for 100 Calories. We discussed the importance of including whole grains in your diet, their health benefit links to reduced risk of disease, and being a great source of fiber. Sub out full-fat butter with fresh avocado and you have a power-packed snack full of unsaturated healthy fats and additional fiber. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition reports avocados are full of essential vitamins and healthy fats promoting healthy lipid profiles (cholesterol) and weight loss. Enjoy 1/4 fresh avocado on your toast for a nutrient-dense quick superfood meal and under 100 calories!

7. Fresh Fruit

Fruit is quick, easy, and a great low-calorie snack anytime. Fruits like apples are high in quercetin, a natural anti-inflammatory and excellent for post-workout muscle recovery. Apples are also high in fiber and probably one of the best grab and go snacks around coming in well under 100 calories.

8. Green Protein Smoothie

Green Protein Smoothies are Full of Nutrients at 100 Calories. Blended awesome in a cup describes any green protein drink! Superfood could not get easier but also diverse with a wide variety of choices from kale, spinach, and fruits to blend along with your protein source. Simply combine 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 sliced apple or 1/4 chopped banana, 1/4 cup kale or spinach, and 1/4 scoop whey powder and blend for a 100 calorie powerhouse drink full of essential nutrients.

9. Peanut Butter on Celery

Peanut Butter is the Favored Superfood and Under 100 Calories. Peanut butter remains the favored sports superfood full of protein, healthy fats and fiber. The National Health Institute says peanut butter positively impacts health and provides long lasting portable energy. Although peanuts are really a legume (edible part of a plant) and don’t come from trees, we fondly refer to peanuts as nuts. Spreading 1 tablespoon on a long stalk of celery will keep the calories at 100 and provide satiety for hours!

10. Oats Anytime

Oats are a Superior Superfood Snack Under 100 Calories. Oats are not just for breakfast anymore and are an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, oats also contain beta-glucan fiber linked to improved immunity and lowered cholesterol. Cook 1/4 cup dry oats for approximately 75 calories which allows wiggle room to top with 1/4 cup of your favorite berries or 1/4 sliced banana!

Little Leif

Leaf smiles, “I am on a fun mission for Teresa. She’s asked me to tell the winner of the September Stylus’ submission contest that they have won.

Bill, “who is it?”

Leaf pauses dramatically, “Alas dear Bill I cannot tell you for I have not even told the winner.”

A small smile peaks out from beneath Wild Bill’s cowboy hat in application of the satiricaly over dramatic delivery of Leaf’s Last Line.

“I will catch you later Bruno and Bill.”


Southwestern Chapter News

By Carrie Muth, President

Several members enjoyed our Summer Picnic on August 15th. Once again, a local music group, The Worn Out Frets”, kept the toes tapping. Our picnic is traditionally a potluck, which was difficult due to Covid, so our chapter bought sandwiches from Subway (they gave us a great discount) & members brought pre-packaged foods to share. Members enjoyed getting together after all the Covid restrictions.

Our meetings will resume this month at our new day & time (the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm.

We hope all our ACBO friends are healthy & look forward to the virtual state convention in October.

Little Leif

As the storm abates, the evening sun appears just above the horizon. The air smells that particular just rained fall smell. Leaf floats the few miles towards the winner’s home. Spiraling lazily out of the sky he calls to Gina, “Hi Gina is Sue around? I have a special delivery from Desiree for her.”

Gina replies brightly, “Hi Little Leaf, she’s inside.” “Thanks, Gina.”

Little Leaf calls out, “Sue. Mademoiselle Staley.”

“I’m in the kitchen.” Sue sing songs.

“Perfect for that have that spicey Indian curry Desiree made for you with Jasmine rice.”

Sue smiles claps with excitement. “That’s not all, you’ve have one this quarter’s submission prize of $25 as well!”

Sue inquires, “How do I get it?”

“Contact Teresa and she will hook you up.”

Senior Power

Oregon Seniors are on the Move

Submitted by Sue Staley

The Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss (AAVL, an affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB), seeks to promote the independence of blind and visually impaired seniors throughout the United States and beyond.

Throughout the state of Oregon, there are many pertinent issues affecting blind and visually impaired seniors.

The Oregon Advocacy and Aging on Vision Loss (OAAVL), is forming a chapter under the umbrella of the American Council of the Blind of Oregon (ACBO).

Our mission is to create a one-stop-shop for blind and visually impaired senior consumers and their families.

Some of our goals are, but not limited to:

• Items that assist Oregonians to improve there lives.

• Working with facilities to ensure they are accessible.

• Being a compassionate voice especially with newly blind individuals.

Connect with us, join our new e-mail list to stay on top of OAAVL as we will be posting many articles and announcements.

For more info contact me at: (503) 430-1868.

Proposed Bylaw Change

Submitted by Leonard Kokel

Current wording

Current Orders of the day

Bylaw:  Agenda

The agenda is an outline of pending business.

The agenda once approved becomes Orders of the day.

Call to order,

Pledge of allegiance,

Roll call and introduction of Guests,


Approval of Agenda,

Minutes of previous meeting,

Treasurers report,

District Representatives reports,

Committee Reports,


Unfinished Business,

New Business,


Proposed  Orders of the Day,

Bylaw: I. Agenda

Call to Order,

Pledge of allegiance,

Roll call of Executive Board,

Introduction of Guests,


Approval of Agenda,

  Minutes of previous meeting,

Treasurers report,

District Representative reports,

Committee reports,


Unfinished Business,

New Business,

Guests Comments,


Thanks for reading this issue of the Stylus!

May you always have enough!

In love and light

Your Happy Editor

Teresa Christian


Phone: 971-322-8462

The Stylus is the official quarterly publication of the American Council of the Blind of Oregon.

To change your address, request alternative formats for ACB publications, or request financial documents, contact our State Treasurer Sue Schwab.


Cell: 503-871-6175

For more information about the American Council of the Blind of Oregon, go to our web page at:

President ACB of O Carrie Muth,

Phone: (541) 297-8309




American Council of the Blind of Oregon

66th Annual Convention – October 23-25, 2020

Visions for a Brighter Future

The Fun Squad has been busy planning our 1st virtual convention. Please join us for a weekend of virtual fun and camaraderie as the American Council of the Blind of Oregon gathers for our annual convention.

This has certainly been a challenging year for us all, and planning our virtual convention is no exception. But your convention committee (The Fun Squad) feels we have met the challenge and thanks to ACB national and their great help we are ready to offer you a multitude of exciting speakers, discussions and interactive activities (like bread making).

Thanks to the generosity of ACB National & the assistance of ACB Radio, our Saturday session including the virtual evening banquet will be carried on ACB Radio.

As soon as we receive your registration, the Fun Squad will send you your convention program – AND – and exceptional goodie bag. With the reduced cost of this year’s convention we elected to “beef up” the goodie bags.

Also, we will have 3 Raffle Baskets that will be sure to temp your wallet. You will want to save your dollars for a chance to win one of these great items.

We are please to announce our Keynote Speaker for the Saturday night banquet is the national American Council of the Blind President Dan Spoone.

How will this virtual convention work? Don’t let Zoom scare you off, it will be easy to navigate. Prior to the start of our convention we will be sending out information about the various ways you can access Zoom. This will be included with your program and goodie bag.

We look forward to you joining us virtually for a Fun weekend in October!

The Fun Squad & Carrie Muth, ACB of Oregon President


American Council of the Blind of Oregon

Preregistration Deadline: October 5, 2020

REGISTRATION FEE – Only  $15 !!!

        There are 3 different ways to submit your Virtual Convention Registration

•       Complete the registration form on ACB of Oregon website  -or-

•       Email completed form to  -or-

•       You can mail this completed registration form and payment to:

ACB of Oregon – Treasurer

4352 Trapper Dr. NE      Salem, OR 97305

(Make checks payable to ACB of Oregon)

For on-line payment click on  then click the link    for ACB of Oregon Convention and follow the page to the PayPal button for payment.

•       No refunds will be granted for this virtual event


NAME __________________________________________________________

ADDRESS _______________________________________________________

CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________________

E-MAIL __________________________________________________________

PHONE __________________________________________________________

CHAPTER NAME__________________________________________________

Select Program Format      Email______   Large Print ______   Braille ______

             The program will also be on our website at

Are you a student:           YES ______                    NO ______

Do you wish to have a Student Stipend:   YES ______           NO ______

•       Registration allows all members paid and certified on ACB membership list to attend the convention Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday morning to vote.

Those who register will also:

•       Be able to participate in all discussion and interactive activities of the convention

•       Receive the important Zoom information to connect to all sessions Friday, October 23rd through Sunday, October 25th.

•       Receive a convention program in the format of your choice

•       Receive one of our exceptional Goodie Bags (if you register by October 5th)

All sessions will take place using the Zoom platform, which is accessible through computer, smart phone and landline phone. Saturday activities will also be carried by ACB Radio including the virtual Saturday night banquet.


Any questions about registration, contact Sue by email, mail or phone.

Email:      Phone: 503-871-6175    Fax: 503-689-1588